Monday, August 20, 2012

Introducing: Molly the Muppet! (Finally)

I know I said I would post about my Muppet that I got in NYC back in May. I lied. But I'm here now, ready and willing to share the joy with you, dear readers. So yeah, first things first, I named her Molly! Kind of in honor of everyone's favorite spunky redhead who's also a witch (so, not Anne of Green Gables, obvs.), Molly Weasley. Also, I like the name Molly.
I don't really remember what was going on here. Obviously, we're upset about something.

She's a super fun, super spunky Muppet/puppet. I'm still working on finding the perfect voice for her. Which is one reason why there's no video of us together, although you do get more from the live action rather than just the pics. Also, she's actually pretty hard to maneuver. As you can (maybe) tell from the pictures, the puppeteer (me, in this case) can work the mouth with one hand, much like a regular hand puppet. Except that she's really heavy duty, so if you have super wimpy hands, like I do, it's kind of hard to do. Also, one of her arms has a little wand thing attached to it, so the puppeteer can also move that arm around. I refer to her other arm (the non-wand one) as Molly's stroke arm, because she/we can't do anything with it.
Right arm is stroke arm. You can sort of see the wand handing down off the edge of my bed (it's that black line). You can also see that my walls and my bedspread are almost exactly the same color. Good times.

Also, she doesn't have legs. I think that typically, Muppets don't have legs because it's much easier to just show them on TV from the waist up, rather than making their legs move. But since I always carry her wherever she needs to go, I don't think she minds.

Anywhoodles, sometime I'll bring her to a family party and put on a show or something. Or at the very least, I'll do a show with her and have someone record it so you can see how she really moves. She has very bouncy hair that I'm actually quite jealous of. Aaaaaand now I've ended a sentence with a preposition. Bummer. I like to think that, while I'm at work, Molly and Zefron party it up in my room. He definitely needed to hang out with some new people. Or Muppets. In any case, I've got quite the little inanimate family to keep me company. You should all be jealous.


Elizabeth said...

I hope I get to meet Molly someday. You two look like a good pair!

R and A said...

I laughed so hard while reading this blog, and now I plan on making Reed read it so that we can laugh together.

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

Oh nertz, I just reread this and laughed, laughed, laughed. Molly is one lucky puppet/muppet to be bought by someone as grand as you, Mer.