Here is my year in a nutshell. I moved 4 times. Moving is not fun. I got a new job. I hated said job because of a "difference of personality" with certain management personnel. The difference, of course, being that while I am awesome, peoples in question are not only jerks, but mean jerks (20 points to whoever gets that reference!). After much trials, tribulation, bullying, and threats, I quit said job. So, now after more than 2 years, I am back to where I was right after college: Unemployed and living with my parents! Ain't regression grand? Plus, my fish died.
Of course, being with the Parental Units has been one of my highlights. I hadn't been home for a birthday in two years, and when one shares a birthday with one's best friend/twin, that is a tragedy indeed. Another highlight has been meeting and loving new baby nephew Cooper. What a smiley little bug! Further hightlights include, Ned, the new car; the impending arrival of future niece Bisco; acquisition of lifesize Zac Efron; going to see New Moon with Chelsea and Shay (are there funner people to go to a movie with? No. The only thing that could make Chelsea and Shay more fun would be if they were super wealthy and would pay for consessions); reading all those books from my top 10 list; and singing a solo in choir. Ha ha, just kidding, that last one wasn't the funnest thing ever.
So, all in all, it was a trying year. And frankly, not one I'd ever, ever want to relive. Or one I would have wanted to live in the first place had I known what would happen. But, thanks to the best family in the world, really great friends, the most caring branch president in the world, and of course, the Savior, I made it through. Without all of you, I don't think I could have. So, in the end, I guess it was a good year. I learned a lot (some unpleasant truths to be sure, but I still learned!) and I'm not dead, so I can't complain. More than I already have/do.
In short, Merry Christmas to all! And may 2010 be more like High School Musical and less like a DCOM about a compulsive liar who learns to be herself but never really learns any valuable lessons about not lying, such as that it will make people really despise you, even if you can sing really grood!