Thursday, April 8, 2010

Truths I have learned at the library (today)

1. It is much harder to discipline a child who is being loud and/or naughty when their parents are right there with them. Not providing the discipline. And being a big part of the problem.

2. The last hour of work goes through phases: the long phase (when people are still around, using the computers and making messes. This is also know as the phase we don't like) and the short, but not nearly short enough, phase, once the computers shut down and the people start to leave. I call this one sweet freedom! And if I can last for 10 more minutes, it will be mine!

3. If I eat breakfast at 10, have a snack at 2, and eat "lunch" at 4, then by 7:15, I'm hungry enough to eat a small library patron, although I do not endorse cannibalism. Here's the real question. If I eat a snack at institute at 8:30 and get home at 9:15ish, is it too late for dinner?

4. When everyone in the Children's section is speaking Spanish (except you), you really start to reevaluate your decision in junior high, high school, and then college to take French as your foreign language. How could you have made this mistake 3 times? You console yourself by realizing that even if everyone in Children's was speaking French, you still probably would have no idea what they were saying.


R and A said...

I agree with and sympathize with your truths. Except my mistake was german, not french. And I say, if you are hungry then it is never to late to eat dinner.

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

Wow, you are just fill up with truths. And to think, you learned all those in only one day. I learned nothing today. Expect that maybe it sucks to try to for real go running when you are no longer good at for reals going running. :(