Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sing it, Bing!

In honor of one of my favorite holidays, a few things I'm thankful for this year.

1. A job! Aren't we all, right? But this year, I'm especially grateful for a job that I (usually) like with people who are fun and nice.

2. Having my car registered in MD!!! Getting it done was annoying, painful, and time-consuming, and it made me question the sanity of the people running our fair state. So mostly, I'm thankful that it's done.

3. Pie. This is self-explanatory.

4. Friends. Also pretty self-explanatory, but still true. I'm always amazed that I have friends all over the country! Not that I'm so popular, just that people are cool!

5. Family. So far this year, I've gotten to see almost everyone, whether they've come here or I've gone there. And in another month, I'll get to see a whole bunch of the family for Christmas! Yay! I'm also grateful that Maren, David, and Grace live so close by!

6. Church. I've just started a stressful calling, but it's actually kind of awesome. Plus, without church, I'd have far fewer of # 4.

7. Harry Potter! I know I've talked about it before, but seriously, y'all HP is back and better than ever! Except for the books, of course. The books are still better than the movies could ever hope to be, but I enjoyed The Deathly Hallows-Part 1 immensely.

Take it away, Bing Crosby!


Unknown said...

Oh Mer, I have to say a hearty "Hear hear!" to each of the things on your list! (except personalize to moi...) but I love your blog and I am super happy that you are living so close and that I get to see you on the fairly regular!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
And what blog would be complete without ol' "Boo Boo boo" Bing?

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

I am thankful for you and your awesome blog. Happy Thanksgiving!

R and A said...

Hear hear. I can't wait to see you in less then I month.