Thursday, August 18, 2011

I rewatched it so you don't have to: Roswell, Season 1

Aka, my obsession for two years of high school. This post is for Chelsea! And any other closet Roswell fans who read my blog. Once, our friend John had to plan a fake campaign trip for his fake run for office, and he said one of his stops was going to be Roswell, NM because Chelsea and I would surely be living there. My computer password for all of high school was "Roswell." Don't get any ideas-that's not my password now, so stop trying to hack me!

Okay, so eventually I plan on rewatching the entire series, but after binging on season 1 (I honestly watched it in about a week), I needed a break. So, without further ado, my thoughts on Roswell Season 1.

First of all, I can't believe these kids were supposed to be the same age as me! They look older than I do now, and it's been 10 years(!). Seriously though, they're not even trying to look like teenagers! Max is actively looking middle-aged.

Speaking of Max: What a buzzkill! Honestly, he has no personality at all except boring. Is boring a personality? On the other hand, that makes him perfect for Liz, who, in spite of her super shiny hair, is about as exciting as watching paint dry. And man, those two are gross together. I honestly reached a point where I would automatically cringe and look away whenever they would kiss. Gross! They disgust (and bore) me. And when Max isn't wearing a shirt: EW!!! I have never been so disgusted by someone's muscles before (or since). At the end of the season, when we find out that Max is the leader of the aliens, I believe I said something like, "Oh you have got to be kidding me!!! He is going to be so much more lame than before!" C'mon Max! Remember when you were in that one episode of Buffy? You were awesome! What happened to you? I can only conclude that Roswell sucked the fun out of you. It's a fun sucker.

On to more interesting/exciting things, namely Kyle. Seriously, when Liz dumped him, I kept yelling very rude and uncomplimentary things at her. She's a fool! Kyle is the best/funniest character on the show! Honestly, the extra helping of Kyle is what I'm looking forward to most in season 2. Woo! Kyle! I love you and your cowboy outfits! And your hair!

While we're at it: Sheriff Valenti, good job for being the grown-up on the show. You always wore a cowboy hat. That's about it. Oh, and stop trying to arrest Max for saving Liz's boring life! It's not illegal! Good job becoming less crazy by the end of the season, but really, you should have paid more attention to your son Kyle (aka, the light of my Roswell life).

Okay, on to Isabel! Um, I feel uncomfortable by the fact that really old guys are always hitting on her. Because she's supposed to be 17. But she is a better actress than Liz and is about a million times more interesting that Max, so there's that. Plus, she's definitely the most famous Roswell alum. You go, Isabel! True, many people find you to be incredibly annoying, but at least you're not irrelevant! P.S. If I were you, I would just tell Max to shut it and tell my mom the truth. She deserves it/Max sucks. And BTW, you should really not pretend to like Alex. It makes us all feel weird on the inside.

Hey Alex! She's not into you! And your BFF Liz is totally suck! You should try to hang out with Maria and Kyle more. And maybe get a new stylist. This totally baggy look is not good for you.

Last but certainly not least, we have Michael and Maria! YAY!!! Aside from Kyle (ILU, Kyle!), Michael and Maria and definitely the reason to watch this show. I feel like this is what they might have been going for with Liz and Max, except that Michael and Maria and interesting, funny, and not painful to watch. Yeah, I said it. Plus, Michael is all damaged because of his crappy childhood! And Maria and all quirky because of her weirdo mom! Thanks for making Roswell swoony for me, you guys!

Okay, other stuff about the show. Since this show takes place when I was actually in high school myself, the fashion is really representative of how people looked (or wanted to look) at that time. Some of the fashions are hideous! But I was very surprised by how nostalgic it made me for some of those fashions. Not belly shirts, though. That does not look good on anyone. Also, I totally remember loving Maria's hair, but it is really stupid. So I obviously had bad taste.

Other things to mention-the technology! Remember when Miss Topolski is trying to send a secret message to the FBI, and she has to wait for her dial-up internet to connect? Good times! I remember dial-up! Mom would always need to use the phone while we were trying to use the internet or vice versa! So frustrating. Anywho, while we're on the subject of technology, will someone please get busy with inventing my flying car? Thanks.

Finally, the theme song! Oh man, I love!!!!!!! this theme song. Even now, I still totes love it. In fact, one of the first CDs I ever owned was a Dido CD, which I got because of the Roswell theme song. Whoever picked that theme song did a real grood job.

So, overall, this is a totally cheesy and kinda dumb teen show, but I can see why I loved it so much as an actual teenager. And I really am looking forward to season 2. If only Liz and Max weren't in it...


Megan Campbell Carter said...

Oh my gosh, John and I just started watching this a month ago and are in the middle of season 2. I'm glad we're not the only ones!

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

I am so repetitive, but the best word to describe this post is AWESOME! Man, I wish I could have watched this with you. I can't wait for your season 2 review!

Ken said...

I skiped almost seven years of TV in Germany. All I got was sports (at 0200) and AFN (armed forces network)This blog was a total mystery to me. However, your blogs are so expressive that I enjoyed the whole thing anway, even though I didn't know what you were talking about.