Thursday, December 29, 2011

Check one off the list!

New Year's Resolutions time once more, folks, and as you can see, I have totally succeeded from last year! My first goal was to stop procrastinating, and I'm writing this 3 days early. I saved New Years! On to 2012!

1. Fit into that one pair of pants. You know who you are, pants, aka, my Nemesis of Christmas. You caused me a lot of pain, suffering, and undignified pants-wearing habits. So, even though you aren't my pants, and I will probably never need to wear you again, this year I will defeat your evil, skinny ways!

2. Stop getting fries at Burger King. This might help with number 1. Anywho, my initial goal was to eat at BK less, but then I realized that I could still get burgers, which I really like, if I cut out their grody fries, which I totally don't.

3. Read all my church assignments during the week so I know what's going on in RS and Sunday School. Yes, this is a repeat goal from last year. And the year before. Actually, I did much better last year than I had before, so I figure if I keep making this kind of progress, I will probably be 100% on this one in about 20 years.

4. Get a passport. In case I need to quickly flee the country.

5. Read some children's classics. I finally read Winnie the Pooh last year (loved it!!), and this year, I'd like to knock out The Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland.

6. Shop more at the farmer's market. First of all, it makes me feel cool. Second, they have good stuff. Third, I'm pretty sure it's good for the earth. Fourth, sometimes the people from Ace of Cakes shop there! So I'm going to do it.

I think that's enough to be going on for a while. I'd say the next year at least. Good luck with all of your resolutions, faithful readers!


Emily said...

I just got a passport myself...wanna flee the country with me?? My goal is to write as good of blog posts as you ;)

Emily said...

Also, good luck with all that lesson reading! That's a hard one.

Jessie H. said...

Take me with you when you flee the country! I have a passport too!

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

I liked all of your resolutions very much. I have yet to pin down some real good ones for myself. Everything either seems lame or too hard to actually maintain. Maybe this will be the year without a Santa Claus...I mean, the year without a resolution.

R and A said...

aimpenice new years goals Mer. I think that to defeat #1, you should just throw those pants in the trash. That will show them...ha pants. Whose laughing now?!!

R and A said...

I have no idea what that first word is Mer. Even going back and reading it immediately I'm like...uh...what the heck was that supposed to be.