Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Holy cow, I'm the laziest

Hello familia, friends, and faithful blog readers. I know what you're thinking: "How can we faithfully read your blog if you never update it????" Good question. I have no idea why I suck so bad sometimes. Anywho, I have something that might help tide you over for a while, in case I keep being so lame. I have started writing for the official blog of the Enoch Pratt Free Library! It's called the Pratt Chat blog, and there are new posts pretty much every weekday. I contribute once a month. So far I've only had two entries (both awesome), but my third one is due in 2 days. Here you can see my contributor profile (you have to scroll down to find me). I'll also link you to the two posts I've done so far.

Here's one that I wrote about kids books! Surprise, surprise, right?

Here's the other one, which is about Curious George! You all remember my George blogs from last year, right? Right???

From now on, in addition to writing new and fabulous things for this blog, which may be more personal, and will certainly be less professional than my library blogs, I will share with you here whenever I do anything there. That way, at least once a month (but hopefully much more), you'll get something new from me. Virtual high five, everyone!


Maren said...

Your library blogs were great! I had forgotten the name of the Pig book. I've always wanted the ice cream cone he always orders.

R and A said...

Mer- You are wonderful! You think you are a lazy...I am the one that didn't update for like 8 months.