Monday, November 26, 2012

More library blogs!

I know you think I've been neglecting you, Internet, and I totally have. But not really, because in the time that I haven't been writing lots and lots of posts for Twin Like Me, I have written 3 new posts for Pratt Chat, the official, award-winning blog of the Enoch Pratt Free Library! It's true, we won a Mobbie. Pretty exciting stuff. I'm going to put my award on the wall in my office.

The first one is about judging books by their covers, a time-honored (by me) practice. I was also excited by this one because I got 4 comments, which is a pretty good amount for our blog. BSP, please read these posts and comment.

The next one is about when I went to the Baltimore Book Festival and met famous authors. I tried to make it pretty professional, but if you want to hear a more accurate (read: sillier) version, I can tell you sometime.

The last one is about our new art wall at the library. I'm very pleased to say that this has been a success so far, and that it was totally my idea. Yay for the art wall! I'm currently planning our December wall. If you guys have any awesome ideas for the wall for future months, let me know!

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