Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Mouth Hurts

So, yeah, I went to the dentist yesterday. I needed to get a crown replaced, which to my way of thinking is one of the worst things to have a dentist do. Here's why:

1. It's not my fault. If I had a cavity, it would probably be because I hadn't flossed enough or brushed enough. But I didn't put in my first crown, so the fact that it's faulty definitely lies with some sort of dental professional.

2. I have already paid for this crown! Twice. The first time, I had to get a root canal, and the second time, I had to get it glued back in because it fell out while I was eating fruit snacks (apparently, not good for crowns). The second time was relatively cheap, the first time was quite expensive, but either way, significant amounts of money have been shelled out on this tooth, and I am sick of it.

3. It still really hurts. No cavity or root canal, but I still had to get numbed up and drilled a bit. I tell you what, my mouth hurts a lot more today than it did yesterday before I went to the dentist.

4. Speaking of getting numbed up, I had stroke face for like 6 hours after I left the dentist yesterday. It was very undignified. And I could hardly eat. I had mashed potatoes and a milkshake for dinner! While I very much love both of those things, a dinner they are not.

So basically, I just spent a lot of money to have people do very unpleasant things to my mouth. Not cool, dentist. Not cool.


Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

I HATE repaying for things! Down with quack dentists! May all their fillings fall out and cost them a bagillion dollars!

Mom at Our House said...

But was the original root canal because you didn't floss and brush? Lets trace the original cause and blame that!

R and A said...

So is this the 3rd time that you have had to pay. That just seems way too extreme!!