Saturday, June 21, 2008

As if you don't already hear enough about me...

Now you can read bout me all the time on my brand new, fancy pants blog-o-destiny! I can tell you're as p-syched as I am. Hmm, I feel I should say something insightful, or maybe update you on my kids. Well, Dex is going back into his bowl tomorrow, because he has not kept his tank clean. Bad fish! No soup for you!

Well, look forward to more like this, you lucky ducks!


Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

Shweet! And where the crap did you get those glasses?! They honestly are smokin'. I'm uber excited for more posts. Carry on, my wayward sister.

Anonymous said...

I want to see pics of your kid Dex.

On a side note I named one of my stuffed Dogs that. You should ask people what they named their previous pets before you name a kid that. It could be embarrassing for the kid when he finds out his name is the same as a stuffed dogs.
PS thanks for inviting me to your blog, oh wait you didn't never mind. Aaaaaaaaaaaaawkwaaaaaaaaaard !