Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cheddar free in 2003 (or the cleverness of moi)

I promised an explanation of my super-fly name. Well, as some have correctly surmised, Evie is one part of my anagram name. My full anagram name is Rachel Evie Time Deeth'n. I know I don't normally have an apostrophe in my name, but other than that, those are all the letters from my name rearranged into something else grand. We did this same thing for Mom, Dad, Chelsea, and my roommates, but without them written down, I can't really remember what they were. Except Darth Chester. Yay Dad! And I think Chelsea's name was Catch Ella something. Sweet niblets!

Another fascinating facet-before I found that Evie was part of my new name in case I ever need to go into hiding, I had given that name to the main female character in my next Great American Novel. Just kidding. It will be my first great American novel, but the next GAN. Does that make sense?

The last clever thing I thought of, and really, I felt like a dolt for not thinking of it sooner, was that Evie (if you say it out loud) sounds like my last two initials, EV. Get it? WooT!

I think Jonas gets it and is very excited. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. What's that you say about sprinklers? I don't see any sprinklers that might possibly excite a small child. The whole thing is bone dry. Leave me alone!

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