Thursday, July 24, 2008

Utah, This is the Place!

Happy Pioneer Day, everybody! I must admit, it was real lame for me. I did get a haircut, I guess, but I don't know if I like it yet. To be fair, I haven't fixed it yet. So here's hoping. And I did make a delicious dinner for my roomies. I threatened to make it while wearing a bonnet, but it was totally idle threat, since I don't actually own a bonnet. But I did sing that ox cart song while we ate. And pioneer children song. Bwa ha ha!

Well, in honor of all things pioneering and Utahn, here is a great song for you.



Tiffany said...

Where's the pictures of the haircut? I wanna see.

Mom at Our House said...

since you are the only one i know who did a pioner day blog you get my funny story about pioneer day. When I was 20ish and on a confrence call for work. One of the other managers asked if we could close are store for the 24th of July. Not being from Utah My boss was super confused why we would close are stores. It was at that moment that I relized only Utah celebrates the 24th of July. How lame am I.