Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Random bits of buttery goodness

I feel remiss for not having posted lately. My only excuse is school. In fact, school has not as of yet released me from it's cruel choke hold, so this post will be short and relatively unimportant. But since I am currently wallowing in the pit of despair, I thought maybe this post should be a bit about things that make me happy.

1. Bacon-When did I develop this great love for the crispy deliciousness of the other white meat? I can't say for certain, but I am certainly addicted now.

2. Taking the shrink wrap off DVDs. Mmmm. That sounds so relaxing about now.

3. Plantains-I had never eaten this banana-like food until I moved to Maryland, but now I want to name my first child Plantain. Or at least learn how to cook this uber delicious food.

4. Step Up 2: The Streets- Better than Step Up: Original Flavor for two reasons-Less plot, more dancing. Plus, I had a hilarious dream a few nights ago guest starring the guy from Step Up 2: The Streets and Bart Simpson.

5. The Wheaton Library book sale-How much money have I spent there since I moved to Maryland? The surprising answer is "Way less than I would have if I had payed full price for all those books!" Mecca.

6. Baby Platypi-I want some.

I could go on, but I actually have to go back to the scheduled soul-crushing. Wait!! Augh! Kittens! Rainbows! Real butter! Cemeteries! (That might sound weird, but I really do like them) Dark Chocolate! Pickles! Vacation! All I ever wanted! Vacation! Having to get away!
Whew, back to zen.


Anonymous said...

I think it is cute that you feel bad that you haven't posted a blog in a while. You actually post more than most people I know. I like it! Keep it up.

michele84084 said...

Who knew baby platypi were so cute? And I've never had plantains. You should make some for the family christmas party. With bacon. Yes- that definetely should go on your "to do" list. Good luck with school. I remember the despair, the devasting weight of class after class after paper after test. It was then I learned to value of 1.5 hours of sleep and a liter of Dr. Pepper.