Tuesday, August 19, 2008

To sleep, perchance to dream

Dreams are funny things, eh? Just the other night, I dreamed that I married the leader of a large vacuum conglomerate. He had dust busters for hands. We owned a lot of beach front property that had recently been damaged by a large storm. And for our first date we went and ate waffles.

What does this mean? I hope nothing, because it's just plain weird. I would say the weirdest dream in recent memory. I know some people say dreams can be prophetic, and I'm sure that's true, but I always wonder--with crap like this going on in my subconscious, how would I ever be able to trust anything I dreamed about? I also wonder how a guy who has dust buster hands can eat a waffle. How does he hold the fork?


Anonymous said...

So I know what it means.
Marriage means you are ready for a change,
Dustbuster hands means you need to clean things up in your life while going about this change or maybe cleaning things up is the change.
The storm means you are afraid that the change is going to be a disaster.
The waffles is your way of saying that all though this big change is going to take place and may end up disasters. You want to keep a little normalcy in your life.
Yea you don't have to tell me, I know I am smart.

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

I was going to say this dream was beyond crazy and there was no rhyme or reason to it...until I read Becca's comment. My mind was...BLOWN. I really think she is freakin' spot on. WOW. Anywho, you write so well. I wish I was as grood.

Meredith said...

I agree, this is the best dream interpretation I have ever heard. Well done.