Thursday, September 4, 2008


It burns! I burned my wrist today whilst making bacon. I'm reminded of a quote from the movie Fever Pitch. "You love bacon, but when has it ever loved you back?" When indeed. As I currently try to rig up some kind of way to soak my wrist in cold water while I'm asleep tonight (so far it involves tupperwear, a lawn chair, and sleeping with my head at the foot of the bed), I am thinking I may have to make the leap to Facon. My only hope now is that I will get a scar shaped like Lincoln or the Virgin Mary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is very important that when the scar shaped like a beetle ( or what ever it shows up as ) that you put a pic on your blog of it. That will be the coolest scar ever. Next time aim to get burnt like lightening scar on your head. Awesome!