Friday, September 12, 2008

relhqwitry ;werasi;truuwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Oh, sorry, I was so bored that I fell asleep and my face landed on my keyboard. Honestly, working on Friday is so lame! There's never anything to do. On the bright side, it doesn't matter very much that I'm pretty much always late on Fridays and then I take a really long lunch. The lunch thing is not my fault though. It's impossible to walk to the institute, eat lunch, and walk back to work in only half an hour. It takes me almost that long to do all the walking! And I need my leisurely lunch, too!

Enough about me, and on to the current travesty of my life--no one here in Maryland (except the enlightened few who are originally from Utah) know what Cinnamon Bears are! How is this possible??!??!??!?? Cinnamon bears are my most favorite candy in the world unless you count their chocolate covered compatriots, the chocolate covered cinnamon bears. I have made it my life's mission to educate the masses about cinnamon bears, although it's hard when certain people at work keep assuming they're like cinnamon sticks. Um, no. That would be gross. And bizarre. So, for the sake of posterity, this is a cinnamon bear! Or, more specifically, a bunch of cinnamon bears.

They do not taste like the cinnamon you put on your toast or in your pumpkin pie. They are hot, like a fire ball or a red hot. You know, they're cinnamon candy. And they don't have the consistency of gummy bears. They're more like Dots. Sigh. Why these aren't more widely available, I'll never know.

There are other travesties in the world and in my life right now, but I'm trying to be positive and not blog about them (darn you, politics!). So I will leave you with this fabulous bit of news: It's almost the season for Cinnamon Devil Heads, and you know what that means. Halloween!


michele84084 said...

Cinnamon bears are delicious! Who knew they were a Western phenomenon! Are you coming home for Christmas? If so we shall have to get a bowl for the Christmas party...right next to the cheeseball. Perfect.

Meredith said...

I will be there! I'm excited!

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

You have made my mouth all watery-like. The difference here, is that I can buy some tomorrow if I wanted to...bwa ha ha! But anywho, Devil's heads--real grood and festive.

Anonymous said...

Move, no I am serious you need to move back home today.
I would go crazy without cinnamon bears which means those people ( if you can even call them people) that you work with must all be crazy.

Tiffany said...

It's reasons like that make me realize that we, as the "better" Americans (and by better, I mean we're smarter, more cultured, funnier, etc) need to educate those Eastern Americans. Bravo to you for doing your civil duty.