Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Mystery

What is small and inky black and goes, "Moob?" The answer is from one of my new favorite books, that I really must suggest you all read. Well, it's actually from the sequel, but whatevs. Anywho, the book is Larklight and the sequel is Starcross. A third book just came out last month, but alas, the library does not as of yet have a copy. But I'm assuming that it's brill as well. The books, which are science fiction, but more accurately categorized as Steampunk (I just wanted to impress you with my knowledge of genres), are hilarious and exciting. Seriously, I cannot recommend them highly enough. And the audio versions are a hoot.

The other mystery is how I'm ever going to get all of my work done by the time the semester is over. Eek! I don't mind telling you that it has come up much faster than I ever thought it would. I'm very excited for Thanksgiving and then Christmas, but I'm not looking forward to after that. I do not like having things totally unsettled in my life. It's unsettling! So I guess the final mystery is "What am I going to do with my life?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"


michele84084 said...

Oooo- I hate that last question!! I can relate my dear...what to do with one's life is tricky. Cross your fingers, say a prayer, step off. Your smart, cute, and educated- you'll land on something solid!

Mom at Our House said...

I think you should become a homeless bumb and sit on the corner with a cardboard sign. That would rock, I would tell everybody I know about it. Just make sure you have a laptop so you can still blog !)

Tiffany said...

I will definitely look into those books. I'm on a science fiction kick as of late. And, yeah, what to do with life? I'm feeling you, even though the end of school hasn't quite caught up with me yet. There's always a doctorate though...

Unknown said...

I am so utterly excited that I found your blog. And excited to try all of your recommendations! I still can't watch gilmore girls without thinking of you.