Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A really lovely way to go to sleep at night

I recently discovered the most wonderful thing on YouTube-the divine Richard Armitage reading bedtime stories for CBeebies on the BBC. For those not in the know, this is Mr. Armitage:

Bwa ha ha!!! I'm not really sure why having Richard on my blog causes me to burst into spontaneous, evil laughter, but it does. Please rest assured that it is very pleased evil laughter. Anyhoodle, Richard Armitage is mostly really hot in real life on and North and South, which I highly recommend, especially for those of you who generally enjoy miniseries of classic literature made for BBC. Of course, he's a very talented man who has also been in other things. Now, so that you (and I) may drift off to peaceful slumber, here are a few links.

I'm Not Going Out There http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6QHO2TM5Op4&feature=related

Winnie in Winter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSo1KQ78Whg&feature=related

The Lost Acorns http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBWrqXmdzWw&feature=related

I have heard rumors of two others, and if I ever get confirmation, you shall be the first to know! Good night, sweet blog readers!


Mom at Our House said...

I have no clue who that guy is, but I will trust you and check it out. Lets assume that this will be my response after I check it out.

Mer that is so freaking awesome. I love it. How have I lived so long with out that in my life. Thanks for the great service you have provided for me.

Now I am off to check it out *tip of the hat*

Tiffany said...

I do have trouble sleeping some nights. I hope this does the trick!