Friday, December 5, 2008

A strange problem

I talk about myself all the time on this blog. Oh, sometimes I mention things that I think are important or fun, or something, but on the whole, this is dedicated to me talking about me. With noble purposes, of course. So all of you can keep up with my life! It has nothing to do with my enormous egg. I mean ego.

So here's the problem. For my independent study, I am supposed to write a 3-5 sentence bio of myself that will be put on the website near my contribution. Neat, right? Seriously, it's exciting. But I can't think of a way to sum up myself in 3-5 sentences. One is supposed to be about my schooling/career plans, and the other 2-4 just things I think that kids/teachers/librarians would find interesting. Ack! And I only have 1 week to get 'er done!

Maybe the problem is that I don't know how to be brief. I can wax eloquent, but I can't sum up. I need to find inspiration! Perhaps I need to try harder. Or take a snack break. Watch some videos on YouTube. Or just look in a hollow tree. Inspiration? Are you there?

Nope. Just bugs, cookies, and a couple of elves. Maybe I could just blurb myself.

"Meredith, 25, is filled with whimsy and childlike fun, in spite of grownup hardships like graduation and job searching. She enjoys reading, walking on the beach (no, really!), eating too much junk food, the color pink, and British accents. She hopes to someday own a dog."


Mom at Our House said...

I think that is a super cute and good way to describe yourself. You could add in there something to the effect of "Team Jacob" or "I heart Harry Potter"

R and A said...

I think that your summation of yourself was totally awesome. I would hire you in a second!

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

I loved it! Whimsy! Uniqueness! Accurate! I really would use that.

Rhonda said...

If I am not too late, I want you to know I loved your description and the pic of you looking in the hollow tree.