Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tonight, tonight (sung to the tune of that song from "West Side Story")

I went to see "Twilight!!!!" There was much giggling (I was partially mocking the cheesiness, partially reveling in it), a few squeals (I can't help myself!), some outright laughter (Charlie and Mike Newton are in contention for my favorite characters. Who knew they were both so funny?), and a whole heck of a lot of air clapping. You know, where I pretend clap, so no one can hear me, but people can still see me express my excitement/approval. Yes, it's kinda cheesy, but so is the book, and really, that's a lot of what I like about it. Also, I could ogle the fine looking gentlemen. Carlisle is a fox! Also pretty much all the vampire guys, but we all went a little crazy for Carlisle. I am psyched for the rest of the movies now. Go Team Jacob!

Jacob haters, calm down. I heart Edward too. And that rascally Mike Newton. And Emmett. Oooh, and Carlisle! Oooh some more, and my fav. from the books, Jasper. Good times.


Unknown said...

ha ha ha! I went back and forth on my teams a little bit... but now, I am die hard on Team Edward ;)
And yay for air clapping I think I did some of that myself. And I think if I really had to choose my favorite team, it would be... team charlie!

Mom at Our House said...

Sad Sad me, I still haven't seen it yet. I have plans to see it with in 3 weeks (after it comes out on video)

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

Hurray Team Jacob! I honestly think we are outnumbered like, a billion to one. But where they have strength in numbers, we have strength in STRENGTH! And, yes, I like Edward too, y'all, so back off!