Monday, December 15, 2008

To Blog, or Not to Blog...

That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler to blog about nothing or not blog at all... Okay, I can't keep that up. Just know this! I hope to post some kickin' blogs over Christmas, so don't despair. I'll be back! And better than ever!

One tiny tidbit to tide you over: The new X-Men movie trailer: Now with 100% more Gambit than previous X-Men movies! Yay!


Mom at Our House said...

I say to blog! I love your blog.

So how lame am I? I didn't know there was a new X-men coming out. Holla I am so excited for it

michele84084 said...

Oh Wolverine!! I love you and I'm not ashamed to say it. X-men makes my geeky heart flutter. I took of work to go to the movie with Richard.

You Mer, though we are a decade apart is age, I think we we're cut from the same bolt.

And yes, keep blogginh!