Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The transportation gods strike again!

Some of you may have heard my tragic story of going to Utah for Christmas vacation. I flew out from Reagan to Chicago, and alas, I missed my connecting flight to Salt Lake. Of course, that was the last flight out of Chicago to Salt Lake for the day. I had been praying it would leave late, but it totally left on time. Also of course, because of crap weather in Chicago, about 10 billion people were also stranded in the airport. So yes, I slept on the floor in the airport all night. And by all night, I mean for about 5 and 1/2 hours, waking up about every 45 minutes because I was cold and/or uncomfortable. But then, things got worse. I was on standby for the first flight in the morning (at 10ish). It got delayed about twenty times, and finally, at almost 12, they told me I didn't get on the flight. Curses! There were empty seats, but the plane was over it's weight limit. WTH!!!!! I was like, kick some fatties off the plane! Then I realized that was super rude and insensitive, so I was like, leave their luggage off!

But they didn't. So I had to take the 5:30 plane. Except it was about an hour and a half late. Of course. The one plane that I wanted to be late wasn't, but all the others were. I was definitely cheated out of an entire day of vacation.

So, today, I traveled back to Maryland. I gotta say, I was worried at first because it snowed a bunch in Utah yesterday and it was snowing this morning. But the plane only left about 40 minutes late, so I had plenty of time to catch my connecting flight. But then when I got to the airport, horror of horrors, I learned that my car wouldn't start this morning! What?!?!?!?!? How am I supposed to transport myself around town with no car?

So, I guess the real question is, where did I get all this bad transpo karma? Did I kick a puppy under a car? Steal fuzzy dice from a baby? Cut off someone with cosmic powers? I'm not sure, but clearly, someone or something has it in for me. Sigh.


Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

Oh, if you didn't write it so funny, I would feel so sad for you. As it is, I just be laughing, foo'. But not AT you. Never that. I miss you, buddy. Oh, where is Arlington Virginia? My friend Emily lives there. I facebook messaged her to see if you could give her a call if you felt the urge. You know Emily and she lives in Virginia! Isn't that just the most terrific thing you've heard all day?! It probably was, but wait for it because here comes another doozy...I cleaned the fridge with bleach! YES!! Tomorrow, the freezer is going down. Thank me later for being the bearer of such neat news.

michele84084 said...

Remind me to not travel with you in the forseeable future. Sheesh...that is quite the adventure. When you move for your new job, perhaps you should consider living within walking distance of your work?

Unknown said...

I seriously haven't laughed that hard in a long time. I really think you must have ticked somebody off! I am glad you are back safe, but man... those are horrible set backs!

Mom at Our House said...

I agree with Chels. It is so sad, but you can't help but laugh when you tell it. You should SERIOUSLY consider writing a book or short stories or something. I LOVE reading your blog. I was gitty when I saw you had a new post, and I must say you didn't disappoint.