Thursday, January 15, 2009

Since Becca asked

I am: watching TV and blogging at the same time!
I know: the alphabet in French
I won: a turkey (I was 9)
I want: to be all moved without any more work on my part
I have: chapped lips
I hate: lots of stuff. We'll go with broccoli for now.
I miss: my family, and all too soon, my Maryland friends
I feel: somewhat ill. Blergh.
I hear: That freaky commercial for "The Unborn." Oh the humanity!
I crave: chapstick. They're so dry! My lips, I mean.
I search: for the perfect pants. Curse my stubby legs!
I love: HULU. It is faboo. Also, Zac Efron. And pie.
I care: ummm....Do I really?
I always: Stay up too late. It's an addiction.
I believe: that children are the future. Treat them well and let them lead the way.
I sing: mostly Disney soundtrack songs. What time is it? If only it were summertime.
I write: my blog and the next great American novel.
I lose: my temper, like earlier when a guy yelled at me and stuck out his tongue. Jerk.
I win: Well, I want to win. Does that count?
I listen: to the Christian pop station. They have great music, I promise.
I am scared: of starting over. It sucks.
I need: a haircut. Three goals for Christmas break, and I fink out on the easiest one.
I am happy: That Supernatural starts again tonight!
I tag: Um, Annalee?


Mom at Our House said...

You are the awesomest person I know, I was so so so excited that you fallowed the tag. You are the greatest

R and A said...

Mer- What does it all mean? Am I supposed to answer those same questions now? Is this like tag, you're it? I'm so confused. Help me someone. Als, I was very dissapointed that we didn't go get our haircut together over Christmas. What's our problem?