Friday, February 20, 2009

More hotness (aka, it's that time of year again)

I am nothing if not fickle. I believe it's my prerogative as a woman to change my mind. And that's what I've done here. It's been about 6 months since I last posted my list of top 10 hottest guys in the world according to moi. And you know what? Things have changed. Oh, sure, these guys are all still really, really, ridiculously good looking, but there are some people who I now love more. So, without further ado, I present my new, updated, revised, and completely improved, list of hotness.

On that note of total revision, I will start with the old standbys-they've never let me down, and so deserve a spot of honor on the list.

1. Jensen Ackles

Who knew that ducky lips were not only funny, but also supremely attractive? Well, everyone who has ever seen Mr. Ackles deploy them as Dean Winchester on Supernatural, that's who. Add in those lovely arms and his way with firearms, and I am already melting. But then el Deano is so damaged and sad that you just want to give him a hug. Awwww.

2. Jared Padalecki

Dean's brother from another mother has really grown into his looks. I never would have guessed that cute-but-a-little-dumb Dean from Gilmore Girls would turn into the Ginormotron Sam Winchester on Supernatural. I mean, he used to be so lanky. But he has really bulked up. I approve, sir!

3. Zac Efron

Stop making fun of me! He's legal! And he sings, and dances, and seems like an all-around sweetie pie! Plus, as I will point out until the day I die, he really does have beautiful eyes.

4. Johnny Depp

As I was recently watching the complete first season of 21 Jump Street on DVD (it may be the best Christmas present ever! Thanks guys!), I was forcefully reminded just how pretty Johnny Depp can be. (Contented) Sigh. Ridiculous hair notwithstanding. And he's hardly aged a day! Good on ya, Johnny Depp.

5. Ben Browder

Seriously, anyone who can do this deserves a spot on the list. As a 14 or 15 year old girl, babysitting at a house with cable, I once saw part of an episode of Farscape and immediately noticed the hunk of man that is Ben Browder. Many years later, as 21 year old college senior, I noticed a commercial for a Farscape marathon and decided, based on my lovely memory, that I must check this show out. The rest, as they say, is blissful history. Hello one of my favorite shows of all time and "Helloooo, Nurse!" to a list stalwart.

6. Taylor Kitch

He has done the improbable and unlikely-He has made me love his crazy floppy hair. And he's done the very probable-caused me to watch and rewatch the official trailer for Wolverine, paying particular attention to the few wonderful seconds that he graces the screen. Hugh Who? It's all about Gambit, baby. And one Tim Riggins. Ahem.

And now, without further ado, the 2009 inductees: Tra la laaa!

7. Tahmoh Penikett

No, I do not know how to say his name, and no, I do not care. My friend Patty, who once saw him at a convention, says he's the most beautiful person she's ever seen in real life. I once read that on Battlestar Galactica, he looks like a waiter at the best restaurant in the universe. I don't really know what that means, but I know I would go to that restaurant. On BSG Helo is so tall, strong, brave, loyal, and a great family man. Seriously, best guy ever. Like the only human on the show who probably really, really didn't deserve to get blown up by cylons.

8. Lee Pace

On the late, great Pushing Daisies, his character Ned may have the saddest life in the world. And he makes pies for a living! Come on! Someone just give him a hug, already! I would if I could figure how to reach right into the screen. Poor sweet baby. Plus, he's tall. And hot. Did I mention that one?

9. Richard Armitage

I have already mentioned this gem of humanity in a post, but I think it bears repeating-Huzzah! No, seriously, go back and read that post about him. I'll wait. With his dark hair, super blue eyes, and British accent, I'm surprised more people don't swoon at the mere mention of his name. Plus, he's tall. Hmm... I may be sensing a trend here.

10. Michael Trucco

Battlestar has made a tremendous showing this time around! And no wonder. The guy who started as that annoying dude who Kara inexplicably liked in that one episode has clawed his way up to become my most favorite character ever! And Kara totally doesn't deserve someone so fabulous! For reals, he better not die. I won't stop watching, but I will cry. And way more than I cried for Felix. Or Dee. Or even Billy.


Still with me? Great. Battlestar fans are well aware of the fact that as cylons go, the ladies were pretty hot, while the dudes were kinda weird looking and also old. So making someone as luscious as Sam Anders one of the Final Five? Yes, please. I want to go to there.


Well, that about does it for today. I could wax, if not eloquent, at least long-windedly about how much I love these fellas who make my life just a little brighter, but I think I need to set you all free to think about the lists you undoubtedly have. Because, come on. We all need this in our lives, you know what I'm saying?

Guys who have been bumped from this list--don't let it get you down. I don't like to think of it as a failure. I'd say it's more of an opportunity to try harder. This is your chance to get out there in the world and show me how hot you can be! If you succeed, I'll see you back here in another six months.


Mom at Our House said...

Hmmmm I would say they are cute, even above average, but I don't know if any of them are in my top 10.

R and A said...

I love Lee Pace too. As you are aware I was quite depressed when the Blockbuster man broke the news that Pushing Daisies was done for. Also, I totally agree with you on Zac Efron. You need to find him, convert him, and then marry him.

michele84084 said...

Yummy! Mr. Armitage is very, very nice. Nice post!

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

Well these are some of the prettiest fellas I have ever seen. And I don't understand Becca one bit. NONE would make her top ten?! I daresay that is pure crazy talk.