Monday, February 9, 2009

A no good, horrible, rotten week

This is what I had. Oh sure, parts of it were great. I went to Cold Stone. I watched Battlestar Galactica. I found out that baby Meredith is a boy. And Chelsea and Annalee both started reading "Queen of Attolia" (finally, someone can talk to me about how awesome it is!).

But other than that, things were less than stellar. Let's start with Sunday night. So, it was fast Sunday. And I was finally getting to break my fast. Yay! But while I was eating my fruit snacks, one of my crowns fell right out of my head. Sigh. So I had to go to the dentist Monday morning before work. And unfortunately, my dental insurance is not in affect until the first of March, so I had to pay the full price for them to glue that tooth back in my mouth.

Then, things were okay for a while. My first storytime went really well. I was fun, and the kids really seemed to like it. All was right with the world until Thursday, when I went to leave work. And then, alas, my car wouldn't start! That's right, the car I just paid $700 to fix less than one month ago, would not start on Thursday. Luckily, I live really close to some people from work, so they gave me a ride home and a ride the next day. But I had wanted to go the mall on Friday after work, and I totally didn't get to!

Saturday morning, the branch president said he could help me tow the car to a mechanics with his really big truck. But when we got to the library, the car actually started! We think this was because Saturday was about 40 degrees warmer than Thursday or Friday. And the car didn't want to start. She was being very squirelly. So I still took her in, and she is currently at the mechanics. I'm very hopeful that she just needs a tune up or something, not anything really dreadful or expensive.

So, I got a ride to Church yesterday with my friend, but I had to go early since she had a meeting. Not too bad, since it was beautiful outside. I went and lay out on the grass. But after sacrament meeting, disaster struck! The first counselor in the branch presidency asked me to give a 20-25 minute talk next Sunday! Curses!

When I got home and went to put my stuff in my room, the shelf/clothes hangy bar thing in my closet had collapsed, breaking the brackets and ripping nice little holes in the walls. So all my clothes are in a pile under my window.

Last, but certainly not least, this morning, instead of sleeping in and then coming to work at 11:30, like I normally do on Mondays, I had to come at 8:30, because that's when I could get a ride. Sigh. So I've been hanging out in the lobby for the last little while, and it's still more than an hour until I actually start work. It's going to be a long day.

I just hope it's not another long week.


Unknown said...

Well said! That was a no good, horrible, rotten week. I am glad that your story time is going well though. but it doesn't count if you have to show up to work way early! I do hope this week goes better.

The Crazies said...

That is sucky! I am so sorry. I have had those kinds of weeks before. Keep your head up.

michele84084 said...

You deserve another trip to Cold Stone. This week is bound to be great!

Mom at Our House said...

When I was on vacation visiting my family, My husbands car died AS HE WAS DRIVING IT. That's right as he was driving it, it just stopped working. So he knows how you feel. He had to hitch rides with his employees. Unfortunately it was not worth fixing, fortunately that means I got a new car.