Sunday, August 30, 2009

Nitwit! Oddment! Blubber! Tweak!

I have been very remiss lately, so I will give you a few odds and ends to tide you over until I think of something deep, profound, and/or interesting to say. Now, in just a few words, what's been happening, hot stuff; what's been shakin', bacon, in my life:

1. Antiquing=shopping at really expensive thrift stores. I recently spent a day in Richmond antiquing. A fun time, but probably not worth driving all the way to Richmond for. Especially since I go to thrift stores for the really cheap clothes, and antique stores have a lot of really fancy dishes. I am not going to buy a bunch of really fancy dishes. What would I do with them? But I did by a very pretty necklace with Calla lilies on it and a little glass turtle named Bradley. I named him that after I bought him. That was not his name before. I don't think. Here is Bradley, hanging out with my necklace! You can't tell from the picture how pretty it is, but it is very nice.

2. Miss Lavendar belongs in the loony bin. I just listened to the audio book of Anne of Avonlea, and I must say that the romantic subplot of Miss Lavendar and Mr. Irving, which did seem rather romantic to the younger me, is just plain creepy at this point in my life. Sigh. I really am maturing. Honestly, someone else go back and read this. She's crazy and it's weird!!!

3. Hairspray is a very good movie to work out to. The theme song from the Corny Collins show especially inspires me to get up and get moving. After all, who needs to read and write when you can dance and sing?

4. After a while, one can get sick of eating salad. We are currently trying to use up a monster bag of spinach, and I'm a little weary of so many greens.

5. IHOP makes good pancakes, but the service is lousy. I think this one is self-explanatory.

6. Catching Fire comes out this week! WooT! Now that this milestone has been reached, I'm that much closer to getting the third book in the Hunger Games trilogy! What's going to happen?!?!?!?!?!

7. Boys in the YSA Branch feel awkward and uncomfortable (and make fun of you a lot) when you sit around in giggly groups and talk about how excited you are for New Moon. And how it's too bad that the guy who plays Jacob is only 17, because he's sure cute! Team Jacob rulez! See, look, he's adorable! And he works out. Ahem.

8. That is all. But I think that was pretty good!


Unknown said...

I miss you so much Mer! So I totally bought Hairspray today: Brand-new, 2 Disc edition - $3.00!!!! Not even joking. I was totally stoked and couldn't help but to snatch it right up! Can't think of that movie without thinking of you. Good times!

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

Jacob--WOOT WOOT! Man, he is a hottie with a naughty body. Dang, every single time I see the trailer, I literally whoop when Jacob comes on, sans shirt. YUM!

Melissa said...

What's up with people wearing their pants so low? One little trip and you could have a major wardrobe experience. Plus its kind of icky. Maybe I am just getting old.