Tuesday, May 5, 2009

An ode to that fair town where I spent many a happy year

Orem, sweet Orem. 90 years old today. Can you believe it? I'm not actually writing an ode, but I think it's worth mentioning. I have nothing but fond memories of Orem. It was a great place to grow up, and it remains a great place to visit. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for raising us in Family City USA! As a testament to just how cool it is, check out this awesome owl story: http://www.heraldextra.com/content/view/307645/17/

In other news, still no name for car. I've had several votes for Jayne (good name. I like it. And don't be fooled--it's very manly and tuff). I also had a write in suggestion of Nedric. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! We had a good laugh over that. I could call him Ned for short! It really is pretty fantastic. I plan on trying some of the names out for a day or two, see which ones feel right. But I'll for sure let you know!


Maren said...


R and A said...

Orem, I love you.

Mom at Our House said...

Yea, for Orem. I lived there a few times in my life. It is a great city!

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

I feel really silly asking, but...Nedric? What is that name from?

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

And what an awesome story about the owl, Mer! I'm glad you included that. I sure hope he or she is okay.