Sunday, July 18, 2010

I am tired of it being so hot!

True story, guys. My room is on the 3rd floor, so even though we have central air, it still gets pretty hot up there. Last night, I had a dream that it was so hot in my room that my shirt was smothering me, and I had to take it off. And when I woke up this morning? I was not wearing a shirt. Honestly, it was crumpled up at the foot of my bed. But I wasn't hot, so that's something. One more reason to look forward to fall, I guess. I can start wearing pjs again!


Unknown said...

Oh wow! It is fortunate that you don't have roommates! That would have been embarrassing!

R and A said...

That's cool that you were able to take care of your problems and not even interrupt your sleep.

Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

Golly, that Meredith girl, taken off her clothes any chance she gets....