Thursday, October 16, 2008

Shifty-eyed Weirdos

I was talking to Annalee a while ago, and we were discussing the awkwardness of looking someone in the eye. The problem is, aside from the personal invasion of course, that it is physically impossible to look at both of a person's eyes. You have to pick one, or stare at their chin, or maybe their left ear. Or you can be a shifty-eyed weirdo and switch back and forth between their eyes. It's weird! And Awkward! And Un!Comfortable!

To illustrate my point, I was recently watching the cinematic classic, "A Walk to Remember," and since I hadn't yet reached the inevitable, tragic end, I was actually watching the screen instead of blowing my nose or pretending not to cry. Anywho, Mandy Moore's character is trying to look Shane West's character in the eyes and she just keeps going back and forth, back and forth. I giggled a lot. Then I sighed, because they shared their first kiss that wasn't an off script addition to the crappy school play. Good times.

So, the moral of this story is that when in a situation that requires eye contact, don't be a shifty-eyed weirdo. I don't think it's super impressive to potential employers, dates, ecclesiastical leaders, etc. Life might be easier if we were all cyclops. Cyclopses? I'm not sure of the plural here.


Anonymous said...

When I am in any type of meeting, I always look people in the eye. When I was a manager, if the person didn't look me in the eye during an interview I wouldn't hire them.

Maren said...

Dave and I discussed this. We have decided that staring at someone unceasingly is almost as creepy as being a shifty eyed weirdo