Friday, October 10, 2008

Things I'm excited about

I am so super psyched!!!!! about several things coming up.

Numero Uno: High School Musical 3: Senior Year! Huzzah! October 24th, baby! And to whet your appetite, here is a picture of Zac from the upcoming issue of Entertainment Weekly.

His hair is a little funky, but honestly, he has lovely eyes.

B, it's almost my birthday!!!!!!! And Chelsea's too. Yay! I love birthdays!

Finally, the Twilight movie! I am enough of a girl to admit that I have watched the new trailer ten billion times and squealed like a little school-girl! I also discovered this great picture that made me squeal. And I'm not a Twilight squealer. That sounded weird.

Its good for me to have some fun things mixed in with my soul-crushing real life activitays.


Shay, Chelsea and Jonas Allen said...

Edward looks divine. Zac is nice to look at...if I ignore his wyrdy scalpage issues. Serious, why do hot guys have to do crazy crap to their hairs? And finally, BIRTHDAYS!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Soo this is a lame comment, but seeing those hot guys makes me miss Todd so much. Sorry to make this about me and not you !