Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Truthiness hits my blog!

There are a lot of things I don't understand in this world: politics, Latin, the popularity of Dancing with the Stars, etc. Luckily, Stephen Colbert decided to explain one of these things on his show a couple of months ago--The Oil Shortage. Hopefully this link works for you, and you will soon be as edumacated about the whole thing as me.


Monday, September 29, 2008


Do you ever feel like maybe some contradictions in your life are holding you back? Lately, I've been thinking that maybe some things would happen for me if it weren't for this killer combination-my enormous ego (some of you thought that was going to say "enormous egg," right?) and my crippling insecurities. On the one hand, nothing's ever quite good enough for me, and on the other, I'm never quite good enough for anything. Am I alone in thinking this? I don't know how to explain it any better.

In other news, I would like to assure everyone that I am not starving! I have food, I just didn't have the ingredients for the specific food I wanted to make for dinner that night. I worked with what I already had. Yay me!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Don't Panic!

And always carry a towel. Well, I gots a towel, but I am freaking out. Let me tell you what, sometimes being a grad student blows, and this is totally one of those times. I am currently extremely low on fundage, so much so that I am forgoing a much needed oil change to Moya the Camry, who just passed her 150,000 mile range. Congrats, baby! Hope you can hold out a little longer! I am also forgoing grocery shopping. Wish me luck finding the right stuff for dinner here in my house.

I would like to blame my landlady for this sad state of affairs, because she cashed two of my rent checks at the same time, but the truth is, I suck. At money management. Sigh. Augh! I am really looking forward to the day when I have cash in abundance and no more financial worries. That's a real day, right? Right?!?!?!?!

Update: I went ahead with the oil change. Baby needs her oil. What good will it do me if she breaks down? Plus, I had a coupon. Already I am feeling slightly better about things (although not ready to go a shopping spree). That "Don't Panic!" thing was good advice.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The triumphant return of the Jewish Anti-Mouse Song

Yesterday at work, the ladies restroom nearest the library was out of order. Before you ask, the library at my work is basically a room and some offices in a much larger building, so no, there isn't a bathroom in the library. Anywho, I had to go all the way to the bathroom that is not at all close to the library. Tragic, eh? On my way back to the library, I took a look at the out of order sign on the bathroom door. It was a hand-written sign, in Sharpie, saying, "Do Not Use! Out of Order!" Then in tiny letters near the bottom of the sign it read, "There is a mouse in this bathroom." Ha!

Now, don't get me wrong, I certainly do not want to be in the same bathroom as a mouse. As the title of this blog vaguely alludes, I hate mice enough that once, in a somewhat panicked and tearful state, I made up a song about mice set to a tune from Fiddler on the Roof. It went a little something like this: "May the Lord protect you from mouses..." That's actually all I wrote of it. At that point, I believe I was taken by a fit of hysterics, no doubt caused by my traveling uterus.
So as I said, I don't want to use a bathroom infested by mouse. However, if that mouse was alive, there's no way it was still in the bathroom. They're wily and evil, and can escape through unnaturally small spaces. And if the mouse was dead, then why the heck couldn't they just get rid of the darn thing? I suppose that's a mystery for another day, or, more likely, one that will never be solved at all, since the bathroom is open for use again today.

Here, to finish us off, are the only mice in the world I like.

That's right, cartoon mice. And even some of them are a little scary. I'm looking at you, Basil.

Friday, September 12, 2008

relhqwitry ;werasi;truuwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Oh, sorry, I was so bored that I fell asleep and my face landed on my keyboard. Honestly, working on Friday is so lame! There's never anything to do. On the bright side, it doesn't matter very much that I'm pretty much always late on Fridays and then I take a really long lunch. The lunch thing is not my fault though. It's impossible to walk to the institute, eat lunch, and walk back to work in only half an hour. It takes me almost that long to do all the walking! And I need my leisurely lunch, too!

Enough about me, and on to the current travesty of my life--no one here in Maryland (except the enlightened few who are originally from Utah) know what Cinnamon Bears are! How is this possible??!??!??!?? Cinnamon bears are my most favorite candy in the world unless you count their chocolate covered compatriots, the chocolate covered cinnamon bears. I have made it my life's mission to educate the masses about cinnamon bears, although it's hard when certain people at work keep assuming they're like cinnamon sticks. Um, no. That would be gross. And bizarre. So, for the sake of posterity, this is a cinnamon bear! Or, more specifically, a bunch of cinnamon bears.

They do not taste like the cinnamon you put on your toast or in your pumpkin pie. They are hot, like a fire ball or a red hot. You know, they're cinnamon candy. And they don't have the consistency of gummy bears. They're more like Dots. Sigh. Why these aren't more widely available, I'll never know.

There are other travesties in the world and in my life right now, but I'm trying to be positive and not blog about them (darn you, politics!). So I will leave you with this fabulous bit of news: It's almost the season for Cinnamon Devil Heads, and you know what that means. Halloween!

Monday, September 8, 2008

I <3 Dogs

Y'all, I have just discovered the show Dogtown on National Geographic, and I am hooked. It's about the dog sanctuary at the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary near Kanab. That's right, Kanab, UT. I have seriously been watching videos from Dogtown on Youtube for the last hour and crying. Especially the video of poor Bruno! All of the dogs have had such hard lives and so many problems. It's really inspirational, seeing what a difference these people can make, and it's really sad when things don't work out. The way we treat animals in our society says a lot about how we treat each other. Even people who aren't animal lovers should treat animals humanely.

I learned about the show because their season premiere was about some of the dogs taken from Michael Vicks dog-fighting operation. I never knew that pit bulls could be so cute and lovable. Here's a couple of them:

How could anyone see those sweet faces and mistreat them?

This isn't really a coherent post, but I wanted share what I've been thinking about. And be proud that such an awesome organization is in Utah.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


It burns! I burned my wrist today whilst making bacon. I'm reminded of a quote from the movie Fever Pitch. "You love bacon, but when has it ever loved you back?" When indeed. As I currently try to rig up some kind of way to soak my wrist in cold water while I'm asleep tonight (so far it involves tupperwear, a lawn chair, and sleeping with my head at the foot of the bed), I am thinking I may have to make the leap to Facon. My only hope now is that I will get a scar shaped like Lincoln or the Virgin Mary.